The Middle East Technical University Alumni Association NL (Association) offers different alumni membership types, subject to the approval of Board of Directors, as follows:
1. Principal Membership
All persons who have received a degree from the Middle East Technical University residing in the Netherlands. Principal members shall pay the Annual Fees. Due date for a Principal Member is the anniversary of the initial date when they became a member. Alumni/ae Members shall be entitled to vote for members of the Board of Directors and for amendments to the Articles of Association, shall be eligible for any position selected by the Committees of the Association, and shall be entitled to such other privileges, if any, as may be provided for in the Articles of Association or the Bylaws. Membership rights and privileges hereunder of Principal members who are behind their annual membership payment despite 3 (three) such reminders in a minimum period of 3 (three) months will be suspended by a resolution of the Board of Directors until the fee is paid. Members who are suspended will be informed in writing.
2. Associate Membership
– All persons who have received a degree from the Middle East Technical University residing in other EU countries, or
– Former students of Middle East Technical University who has completed at least one calendar year of study at the University
Associate Members are not subject to pay membership fees and shall be entitled to such of the privileges of Principal Members as shall be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time, except the rights to:
– Serve as directors of the Association.
– Hold any office in the Association expressly reserved for Alumni/ae Members;
– Vote for members of the Committees of Association; and
– Vote for amendments to the Articles of Association.
3. Honorary Membership
Honorary Members shall be persons who, after nomination by an Alumni/ae Member or Board of Directors, are determined by the Board of Directors who have contributed outstanding service to the Association. Honorary Members are not subject to pay membership fees and shall be entitled to such of the privileges of Principal Members as shall be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time, except the rights to:
– Serve as directors of the Association.
– Hold any office in the Association expressly reserved for Alumni/ae Members;
– Vote for members of the Committees of Association; and
– Vote for amendments to the Articles of Association.